I started taking photos before even setting foot inside the centre, of what is considered to be a precursor to Morning Glory – Bindweed! The bright white trumpets are rather beautiful and really confirm that a weed is simply a flower growing in the wrong place, or where it is not wanted! Also there is an inviting bed of flowers outside the entrance offering a promise of what can be seen within.
After several minutes spent outside and having strolled towards the back of the open area and beyond the greenhouses taking a handful of images I came across one of the gardeners, Jan, who has been extremely helpful in telling me where the best blooms were – she was chatting to a couple of visitors, I spoke to her once they had left, and learned the answer to a puzzle that had been intriguing for some weeks; I learned that she was one of my secret ‘followers’ of my blog!
Harrowden House had puzzled me for a while, especially since as a family we had a saying that defined someone’s circuitous route when offering an excuse for arriving late to our house or the Station’s choir when we lived at Shortstown, and that was: “Did you come via Harrowden Road Post Office?” I cannot now remember exactly how this came about except that when we were younger, we lived in Officers’ Married Quarters that were part of RAF Cardington; the aforementioned Post Office was at the bottom of the hill from Cardington and Shortstown, and was just one of our cycling routes.
Many of the flowers were past their best this afternoon, and many had suffered from a lack of rain, especially the Sunday before, so I was amused by the ingenious use of a fork to support the hose nozzle to provide the beds with some welcome nourishment. I was not always blessed with sunshine, but sometimes this offers dark skies and partially lit areas that then seem to glow. I spotted on ladybird with no spots at all, so presumably either they were burnt off or the downpour that followed the heatwave washed them off! Bees were fairly active, but in lesser numbers than I had expected, likewise hoverflies.